Lately the only writing I seem to be doing here is for FMF.
I'll take what I can get.
This weekly community has provided a place to discipline myself to write at least once every week.
Even if my other days are filled with other tasks, there is but a brief moment at week's end to come here
and write
and exhale.
Fo that, I am thankful.
Today's prompt: Messenger
The pink peonies
were ballerinas
dancing to the flow of the wind.
The tall stalks of grass,
ready to go to seed,
were trumpets
heralding the pulse of the air.
The green birch leaves
clinging to white branches
were acrobats
that floated on the currents of the breeze.
I could have missed it,
blinded my own busyness and care.
You are not visible after all.
Today’s grace was taking notice
of the messengers along my way
that prove Your presence
by synchronizing to Your breath.
Today, Father,
creation testified to You.
Though invisible You are yet seen;
manifest in their inevitable response to Your movement.