Sunday, October 5, 2014

Six Words on a Sunday

Daddy, Moriah, and Mommy
October 5, 2014

Some days are special and you never saw it coming.
Today was one of those days.

It was a Sunday morning.
Paul was already at the church building.
I was scrambling at home trying to get me and three kids ready to walk out the door to get to the church building.

Standing in the kitchen, 
slinging waffles and cereal,
Moriah walks in and says, 
"Mommy, can I talk, just me and you, in the bedroom?"

Inside, I was about to lose it.
Doesn't she realize we have places to be?
Doesn't she know I have responsibilities to take care of?
There is a reason why Sunday is the day that will test the very faith of any parent.

I stuffed the impatience
and simply spoke, "Okay."

I walked purposefully into the bedroom, 
joined Moriah on the bed, 
and waited.
She sat, legs forming butterfly wings out in front of her
and quietly said, 
"I want to be a christian."

All of a sudden, 
my "places to go, people to see, job to do" Sunday
got rearranged.

In the blink of an eye, 
my routine Sunday
become special, stand-out, extraordinary.

Six words.
That's all it took.
All it took to make a mundane day mark itself in my memory forever.

Six words.
That's all it took.
All it took to transform an average morning to an unforgettable moment.

My youngest daughter was ready to follow Jesus.
And she just needed a few moments to let me know.
5 years old and ready to walk in child-like faith with the One who knows her best and loves her most.

5 years old and Moriah is reborn on the first day of the week.
The same day the women journeyed early to the empty tomb.
The same day resurrection become a reality for everyone who might follow Christ.

Some days are special and you never saw it coming.
Today was one of those days.