Monday, March 25, 2013

Acquainted with Grief

Jesus was preparing to experience hell on earth.
His own private, personal hell.
His enemies frothing at the mouth for His extermination.
His closest friends folding under the pressure.
Thank God, He would not.

But Jesus, 
He would 
be alone 
in His suffering.

And I wonder...
How does one tailor themselves for suffering?
How does one habituate toward anguish?
How is one groomed for lament?

And I wonder...
was Jesus capable of surrender in the greatest of agony
because He surrendered in smallest of particulars  
every day of His life?

One unaccustomed to self-denial in the minute 
will not suddenly choose self-denial in the grand, 
will they?

And in this understanding of culmination, 
of small to bigger, 
of increase, 
I celebrate the opportunities of Lent.
To deny my cravings, longings of the flesh.
My small victories today might lead to greater victory tomorrow.

And my victory isn't about me.
My victories allow God the opportunity to show Himself

"He was despised and rejected of men; 
a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief..."
Isaiah 53:3a

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