Monday, January 14, 2013

On Her 4th Birthday

Dear Moriah-

Your older brother was only 9 months old when we found out you were on your way. Your older sister wasn't even 4. Daddy and I were shocked. We wondered if we could handle parenting 3 children so young. We already felt so deficient in some ways.

Truth #1: God always knows best.

I know we've spoken it to you. We intend to repeat it over and again as you grow. God knows what is best. His ways are perfect. People consistently focus on circumstances, that's why we became overwhelmed at the thought of your coming. By focusing on circumstances, we could see only our feebleness. God, however, asks us to call on His character. He is a good, loving Father who knows what is very best for us. And in May of 2008, holding a positive pregnancy test, meant understanding that God's best meant we were to be a family of 5 regardless of how we felt. Not much time passed before shock gave way to excitement. We lovingly anticipated your coming. We claimed the words of Psalm 127. Yes, indeed children are a blessing and you were that for us.

Truth #2: God has good, hopeful plans for your life.

I know if we've said it once, we've said it a hundred times. I've prayed it over you most nights of your toddler life. We were surprised to find you were coming, but God never was. Before the foundations of the world were laid, He knew you would be born in this place at this time for specific purposes. The God who knit you together in my womb is the same One who has great plans for your life. And when God has something planned, He's not taken by surprise. 

One meaning of the name Moriah means "Chosen by Jehovah". It's one of the reasons we decided on that name for you. You were chosen by God to be a part of our family and we desire to affirm that even in the every-day calling of your name.

Truth #3: God is crazy about you.

Of all the basic truths in life, this is perhaps the hardest for me to walk in. I've let too many places, too many voices, too many experiences contradict this idea in my living. I want it to be different for you, my precious daughter. I want you to live with the sure confidence, that no matter what, you are infinitely loved by the One who made you. 

God wants your heart...He did, after all, bear His for you through His Son. God wants your love...He did, after all, demonstrate His through unfathomable sacrifice. 

I pray you will never run from the arms that hold you fast. I pray you will run hard toward the heart whose rhythm is your very life. I pray you will see sunset orange and feel wooed. I pray you will feel spring breeze and know divine caress. It's all a part of this sacred romance - that God is yours as you are His. Know His love with every fiber of your existence.

There are so many other things I could write; so many lessons I could share.  But for now, Moriah, I am going to stop and go share birthday doughnuts with you. 

From the start, sweet girl, you have changed our lives. You have changed my life. And I am the better for it. I love you...always!


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